How can invitees RSVP to Events?

Invitees to an event can RSVP via Website, Email, or Facebook.


A. RSVP From The Website

All the published events will appear in the events section on the property website. To RSVP, click the RSVP button beside the event. 


B. RSVP From The Email

To RSVP from the event invite, click the Accept Invite or any other RSVP button.

C. RSVP From Facebook

If the event is shared on Facebook, the invitees can click on the Event link, which will direct them to the landing page, and then the invitees can RSVP from the landing page.


D. Confirm RSVP From The Landing Page

On the Event's Landing Page, invitees will fill in all the details and click the RSVP button to register for the event.


E. RSVP Confirmation

Once the RSVP is confirmed, an attendee can see the RSVP Confirmation page. The event can be added to the calendar by clicking the add to calendar options.


F. RSVP Cancelled Page

If you cancel the RSVP, you'll see the RSVP Cancellation page. If you want to RSVP again, click the 'here' link.


G. RSVP Waitlisted Page

 If someone tried to RSVP when the capacity was full, they would be marked as waitlisted and see the waitlisted page. They could remove themselves from the waitlist by clicking the 'Remove me from the Waitlist' button.


H. Waitlisted Opened Email

If the RSVP capacity opens up, the organizer can email Waitlisted Opened. Waitlisted invitees can RSVP or remove themselves from the waitlist through this email.