How do I access embed codes and URLs for the tour scheduler?

Five types of embed scripts are used for implementing the Journey AI Tours tour scheduler on the property website; these are -

Scheduler URL, Inline iframe, Pop-up Script, Side Bar iframe, and Self-Guide Tour URL.

Below are the steps to access these codes and URLs;


a. Go to Journey AI Suite> Select Sub-Org> Click Tours> Click Admin Settings: Tour Scheduler.

b. Go to the Embeds page.

c. Tour Scheduler URL for your property will be available under the Scheduler URL tab. Hover over the URL to get the Copy button at the top right corner.


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d. Inline iframe code for your property will be available under the Inline iframe tab. Hover over the code to get the Copy button at the top right corner.


scheduler embed 2


e. Pop-up Script for your property will be available under the Pop-up Script tab. Hover over the script to get the Copy button at the top right corner.


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f. Side Bar iframe code for your property will be available under the Side Bar iframe tab. Hover over the code to get the Copy button at the top right corner.


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g. The self-guided tour URL for your property will be available under the Self-Guide Tour URL tab. Hover over the URL to get the Copy button at the top right corner.


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How do I use the Admin Settings: Amenities page?