How do I add a disclaimer to HayleyChat?

You can add a disclaimer to your HayleyChat at the Org and property level. If you add a disclaimer at the Org level, the same will be displayed for all your properties. To have a disclaimer specific to a property, you must add it to the property/sub-org.

The following are the step-by-step instructions on how to add a disclaimer for HayleyChat at the sub-org level. 


a. Go to Journey AI Suite> Select Sub - Org > Go to Settings Menu.

To add a disclaimer at the Org level, you must navigate to Org instead of Sub-Org. The rest of the process is the same as Sub-Org.

b. Go to Enable disclaimer on Chatbot Tab and expand.






c. You can turn the disclaimer on or off using the toggle button. This disclaimer will be visible when the prospect fills out the guest card to schedule a tour or add contact details.

d. You can choose from two options: using the same content as the Org level or adding different content for your property.

e. If you choose the second one, add a title and the disclaimer message.

f. Once done, click Save.





g. This disclaimer will be visible when the prospect fills out the guest card to schedule a tour or add contact details.



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How do prospects experience Hayleychat?