How do I add recurring slots for amenities as an agent from the Journey AI Tours?

a. Go to Journey AI Suite> Select Sub-Org> Click Tours> Click Agent Settings: Amenities.


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b. Select the amenities you want to edit. 

Amenities will differ based on the properties.


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c. Enter/edit the following fields and Save your changes:

  • Reservation duration - Max length of time an Amenity can be reserved 
  • Reservation Start time - The time when the reservation will start.
  • Amenity Availability Begin Date - The date the amenity will be open and available for reservation.
  • Amenity Availability End Date - Date the Amenity will no longer be available for reservation. 
  • Amenity Hours - The hours the amenity is available for booking.
  • Exclusions - Time of day, during the available hours, the amenity is not available for reservation
  • #Reservations including guests - Number of guests you can have.

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If your Max Reservation is 1, the Guests field in the scheduler will not appear. If a resident tries to schedule more guests than are allowed, the resident will receive an error.
You can set the maximum reservation for the maximum number of guests to include the resident making the reservation. 



How do I add holiday dates for amenity booking as an agent?