How do I add student lists/details using the Events Settings?



A. Go to Journey AI Suite> Select Sub - Org > Click Events>

B. Click on the Settings menu and click the Student Upload setting under it.




C. A .csv file must be created to upload brokers' details, less than 10MB.

D. CSV upload: 

a. The file must have the following headers; fields like Address line and Satus can be added, but these are not mandatory.

  • Name: Student name. (mandatory)
  • Email ID: Student email ID. (mandatory)



b. Once the file is ready, Click the Upload CSV button and Upload the file from your PC.

c. Click Sample CSV 👈 to download the sample file for reference.




d. Next, it will ask to confirm the data according to the file header. To confirm and proceed, click the Import CSV button. It will show a message at the top of the system accepting the file, saying, "Your CSV file has been successfully accepted by the system."






e. Next, it takes 2-3 minutes to upload the file. Once the file is uploaded, another message, "Your CSV file has been updated successfully," will be displayed. The details of your upload will be seen under the CSV Upload Log.





How do I add email addresses under BCC for all event emails using Events Settings?