How do I add and remove tags to contacts in CRM?

In Journey AI CRM, you can create Tags for distinguishing specific contacts or leads in Hyly.AI. For example - You did a test campaign on specific contacts, and you want to remember these contacts for future analysis. You can filter all these contacts and assign a Tag to them to find the contacts list easily.

Assigning tags also helps create custom contact groups in hyMail. 

Following are the step-by-step instructions to add Tags to your contacts.


a. Log in to and navigate to the CRM app.

b. Select Contact Lists from the dropdown menu.

c. Filter your contacts based on the criteria you want to add a Tag. The image below filters contacts based on their email subscription status.

d. Once you get the filtered list of contacts, click on the first check box beside the Last Modified column, and it will select all the contacts in the list.



add tag 1



e. Once you have selected the entire list, click on the Select Bulk Operation dropdown and select Add Tag.



add tag 2



f. Put the Tag name per your requirement and click Update Contacts.



add tag 3



g. You will receive a pop-up to confirm; click on OK.



Add tag 3



h. You'll receive a confirmation message on the successful addition of the Tag.

i. To remove a Tag, filter and select the contacts.

j. Click on the Select Bulk Operation dropdown and select Remove Tag.



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k. Enter the Tag name and click on the Update Contacts button.



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How do I bulk update contacts in CRM?