How do I reserve an amenity from Journey AI Tours as an agent?

Residents can <reserve amenities from property websites>, and you, as an agent, can reserve amenities on behalf of your residents. Follow the mentioned steps to book the amenities for your residents; 


a. Go to Journey AI Suite> Select Sub-Org> Click Tours> Click Amenity Reservations.


amenity reservation 1


b. This will take you to a default monthly calendar view for Amenity Reservations. Click the +New Reservation button.


Amenity reservation 2


c. Choose your amenity.

d. Select Date and Time.

e. Enter your details and click Reserve.


amenity reservation 3


f. It will direct you to the confirmation page; you can add the information to your calendar from here. The booking will be displayed on your amenity reservation calendar.


Amenity reservation 3


g. If the amenity is already booked for the same slot, you will receive a notification saying the slot is unavailable.


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h. However, if another amenity is booked for the same time, it will appear with a different color coding, and no double-booking error message will appear.



How do residents reserve amenities from the tour scheduler?