How do I customize tour schedular dropdown options as an admin?

a. Go to Journey AI Suite> Select Sub-Org> Click Tours> Click Admin Settings: Tour Scheduler.

b. Go to the Scheduler Dropdown page.

c. For each section click on the checkbox of the desired question you wish to ask the prospects, to add it to the form, to remove a question, uncheck the box.

d. In the Form Questions section, you can add/ remove questions such as Desired Bathrooms, Desired Price Range, Demographics, Prospect Preferences, etc.

e. In the Broker Relation section, you can add the Is Broker? button by clicking the check box.
f. In the Lease + section, you can add the Floor Plan Type, Number of Vehicles, and Pet Count.
g. In the Demographic + section Gender, Household Size, Household Status etc.
h. In the Employment section, you can add Occupation Type,  Employer State, Transportation to Work, etc.
i. Finally, you can add Prospect Preference related questions at the end.
j. Each of the fields can be customized as below;
  • You can move options up or down by clicking on the sort icon; the duplicate icon duplicates any option, and the delete button deletes the option.
  • You can add your custom option by clicking on the + sign.
  • You can Display the choices randomly by clicking on the checkbox beside it.
  • To make the question mandatory, click on the checkbox beside the Required field.
  • To Clear all Default choices and add customized options, click the check box beside.
k. Click on the Save button to save the changes.
dropdown image 1