How do I edit Blasts using the new editor?

a. Go to Journey AI SuiteSelect Sub - Org > Click Blasts

b. To start creating a blast, click the +Blast tab on the Blast Dashboard page or go to Template and choose a template.




c. Click Create Blast for your chosen template and go to Blast Editor. In blast editor, click Try our new, fast editor.


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d. Edit the following fields in the actual email format:

    • Blast Title: Add a suitable title for your blast.
    • Subject: Add a subject line relevant to the blast title.
    • Preheader: A preheader is the summary text that follows the subject line when an email is viewed in the inbox.
    • Attachment: In the new Blast editor, you can attach PDF files, but ensure your file size is less than 2 MB.
    • Email Title: Add email title.
    • Image: Add image.
    • Subtitle: Add subtitle, if any.
    • Body: Add your message.

e. On your right, you will see the preview buttons for email and SMS. By default, it will show the email preview; click the SMS button to check the preview and edit the SMS content. Also, use the SMS toggle to turn on SMS notifications for your blast.

f. If you want to switch to the old editor, click the Switch Back to Old Editor button.

g. To save changes, click the Save button at the top right corner.

h. Once saved, click the Schedule button to schedule the blast.





How do I edit and turn on SMS in Blast?