How do I install the Journey AI Tours scheduler on my property website?

Journey AI Tours offers different ways to install the tour scheduler on the property website. This tour scheduler helps prospects visit the website and schedule various tour options the property provides, including In-Person, Live Video, and Self-Guided Tours.


a. Go to Journey AI Suite> Select Sub-Org> Click Tours> Click Admin Settings: Tour Scheduler.


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b. In Admin Settings: Tour scheduler, go to Embed.

c. Under Embed, different types of scripts are provided to the property to get the tour scheduler installed on their website. They are Scheduler URL, Inline iFrame, Pop-Up Script, and Side Bar iFrame.


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d. Scheduler URL: This is the tour scheduler URL, which can be used as a link out via a button or a link on the website. Example:  Lincoln - 605 West End


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e. Inline iFrame: This script can be installed on the property website, and the tour scheduler will be available as a content section on the website itself. Example: Avenue at York

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f. Pop-up Script: This script can be installed on the property website, and the tour scheduler will be visible as a pop-up after the button or a link is clicked. Example:  Halstead Salem Station


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g. Side Bar iFrame: This script can be installed on the property website, and the tour scheduler is installed on either the left or right side of the website as a sidebar. Example: Marbella


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How do I manage tour experiences in Journey AI Tours?