How do I interpret bump charts?

Bump charts are used across Performance AI to showcase how different marketing attributes perform over different CrSTAL milestones or different times. 


A bump chart is a specialized type of line plot that compares two dimensions using one value. It is useful for analyzing changes in the rank of values over time or other relevant dimensions. 

 This chart displays the ranking of observations relative to each other rather than their actual values, making it easy to compare positions, performance, or rankings across multiple observations.


A. Navigate to: Performance AI ➡️ Lead Gen Analysis ➡️ LGA Dashboard ➡️ CrSTAL by Source.


B. Let's take an example of the How has the performance of top sources changed over

     milestones? graph from CrSTAL by Source.


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On the left, you can see the marketing sources 

     ranked by the percentage of leads they created. Using the data from this graph:

a. Organic Search created 21.50% of the leads.

b. Property Website created 21.36% of the leads

c. Zillow Rental Network created 17.96% of the leads

d. created 16.43% of the leads

e. Google My Business created 6.03% of the leads

f. Paid Search created 3.30% of the leads

g. Walk-Ins and Drive-Bys created 2.59% of the leads

h. ApartmentGuide/ created 2.25% of the leads

These ranks show the sources that are the most efficient in creating leads.


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i. The top axis lists the CrSTAL milestones, and the topmost curve at every milestone

    denotes the sources that created the most leads that completed the milestone. Using the

    data from this graph: Created Leads - Organic Search created the most leads i.e.,


j. Tours Scheduled - Organic Search created the most leads that scheduled their tours

    i.e., 29.64%.

k. 1st Tours - Organic Search created the most leads that completed their 1st tours i.e., 


l. Applied - Organic Search created the most leads that completed their applications i.e.,


m. Leased - Organic Search created the most leads that completed leasing i.e., 28.13%.

    The curves depict the total number of leads created that crossed the milestone during the time

    range, irrespective of the time when it was created. 


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n. The right-most axis lists the sources ranked by the no. of leads they created that finished

     leasing. Using the data from this graph: Organic Search influenced 28.13% of the


o. Property Website influenced 25% of the leases.

p. influenced 8.59% of the leases.

q. Zillow Rental Network influenced 7.03% of the leases.

r. Walk-ins and Drive-bys influenced 6.25% of the leases.

s. Google My Business influenced 5.47% of the leases.

t. Paid Search influenced 0% of the leases.

u. ApartmentGuide/ influenced 0% of the leases. 

   These ranks depict the quality of the leads that come through the particular source. 


C. Now, let's take a look at the individual curves for the sources. For the Zillow Rental

    Network curve:


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a. The width and position of each curve depict different parameters related to the sources.

• The width of the curve shows the relative percentage of leads created by the source

   that crosses each milestone. For example: Zillow Rental Network influenced

   16.14% of the scheduled tours and 16.21% of the completed tours. 

•The position of the curve shows the relative rank of the source over each milestone.

  For example: Zillow Rental Network created the third most leads but was the 

  second when it came to leads who completed tours.