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  2. Hayley Marketing Automation (FKA Journey AI)

How do I interpret Journey AI reports metrics?

Journey AI allows you to analyze the performance of campaigns sent via its apps like Blasts, Drips, Events, Refer-a-Friend, and Alerts. These apps have inbuilt reports to monitor and analyze campaign performance based on different dimensions like Platform, Contacts, Drip/Blast, etc. 

These reports use certain metrics to show campaign performance. We have taken By Alert Report as an example to explain how to interpret them:


Interpreting Report Metrics

Now, let's explore the report metrics and their definitions using some examples.

Alert reports 1

a. Unique Sends:

This field shows the total number of unique contacts to whom the alerts were sent. 

b. Unique Opens:

This shows the number of unique contacts who opened your email. For example:

If A opens the email 5 times, B opens 4 times and C opens 6 times, the #Unique Opens is counted as 3 (one each for contacts A, B and C).

This field also shows the % Unique Opens. It's calculated as (#Unique Opens/#Unique Sends)*100. In the example above, the #Unique Sends is 36721, and the #Unique Opens is 84, the %Unique Opens is 0.23%.

c. Unique Clicks:

This metric shows the total number of unique contacts who clicked on a link in your campaign. For example, if a contact clicks links in the email three times, the unique click is 1 for the contact.

This field also shows the % Unique Clicks. It's calculated as (#Unique Clicks/#Unique Sends)*100. In the example above, the #Unique Sends is 36721, and #Unique Clicks is 4, the %Unique Clicks comes out to be 0.01%.

d. Unsubscribes:

This metric indicates the number of contacts who opted out as a result of the campaign. If you notice a lot of frequent unsubscribes you might need to review your content, frequency and audience segmentation - make sure your emails add value for your audience.

This field also shows the % Unsubscribes. It's calculated as (#Unsubscribes/#Unique Clicks)*100.In the example above, #Unique Sends is 36721, and #Unsubscribes is 5, the % Unsubscribe is 0.01%.

e. Bounces:

This field shows the number of contacts that your campaign could not be delivered to. If you are seeing frequent bounce for your campaigns, you might need to clean up your contact lists. You can read more on bounces here.

This field also shows the % Bounces. It's calculated as (#Bounces/#Unique Clicks)*100.In the example above, #Unique Sends is 36721, and #Bounces is 36, the % Bounces is 0.10%.