Which scheduling assists convert best to tours? the Total Tours by Sources, report has a bump chart that compares the performance of the top marketing sources in influencing scheduled tours and completing 1st tours.
Guide to marketing sources.
A. Go to: Performance AI ➡️ Multitouch Attribution ➡️ Total Tours ➡️ Total Tours by Source.
B. Scroll down to the section titled Which scheduling sources convert best to tours? In
the graph, the left side lists the assists by the percentage of created leads that scheduled
a. 33.13% of the leads that came through Organic Search scheduled tours.
b. 15.75% of the leads that came through Property Website scheduled tours.
c. 11.82% of the leads that came through Zillow Rental Network scheduled tours.
d. 10.79% of the leads that came through Apartments.com scheduled tours.
e. 7.02% of the leads that came through Google My Business scheduled tours.
f. 3.85% of the leads that came through hyly scheduled tours.
g. 3.25% of the leads that came through Walk-In/Drive-By scheduled tours.
h. 2.57% of the leads that came through Properties Website scheduled tours.
C. The right side ranks the sources by the percentage of leads that scheduled tours that
completed their tours.
a. 30.64% of the scheduled tours that came through Organic Search completed their 1st
b. 16.97% of the scheduled tours that came through the Property Website completed
their 1st tours.
c. 12.52% of the scheduled tours that came through Apartments.com completed their 1st
d. 12.36% of the scheduled tours that came through Zillow Rental Network completed
their 1st tours.
e. 5.44% of the scheduled tours that came through Google My Business completed their
1st tours.
f. 4.94% of the scheduled tours that came through Walk-In/Drive-by completed their 1st
g. 3.62% of the scheduled tours that came through the Properties Website completed
their 1st tours.
a. 2.14% of the scheduled tours that came through hyly completed their 1st tours.
D. Each curve denotes the position and the conversion percentage of the particular source.
a. In the curve for the Zillow Rental Network:
• The width describes the relative conversion percentages for created leads to
scheduled tours (in this example, it's 11.82%) and scheduled tours to
completed tours (in this example, it's 12.36%).
• The position describes the relative conversion percentage of the assist; in this
example, Zillow Rental Network is in the third position for the conversion from
created leads to scheduled tours, and in the fourth position for the conversion
from scheduled tours to completed tours.