How do I join and manage a live video tour as an agent?

When a live video tour is scheduled, the agent will receive an email notification with the tour date and time, prospect profile, and Live Video Tour URL.

A. On the scheduled date and time, click on the Live Video Tour URL to start the tour as an agent using Hyly. AI log in.

B. If the prospect still needs to join, the screen will show a message saying, 'Please wait until the 'prospect name' joins the tour.'

C. Once the prospect joins the call, you can start the tour. You can use the following in call settings to manage the live video tour;

a. Mic icon: Use the icon to turn your mic on/off.

b. Video icon: Use the icon to turn your video on/off.

c. Note icon: Use the icon to write and save notes during the tour.


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D. You can update the contact info by clicking on the Touring Prospect icon on the top left, click on Contact Details, fill in the details such as:

a. Add the First Name, Last Name, Email ID, and Phone no of the prospect. 
b. Click  SAVE to save the details.
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E. You can update the preferences by clicking on the Touring Prospect icon, click on Preferences, and fill in the details such as:
a. Add Desired Bedrooms, Desired Moving Date, and Comments (if any).
b. Click SAVE to save the details.
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F. You can end the tour by clicking the End Tour button.

a. Once you click the End Tour button, you'll get a confirmation notification.

b. You can either confirm ending the tour or continuing the call


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c. Once you click on Confirm End Tour, you'll get a notification to select whether the tour is Completed or the prospect is a No Show case.

d. Select one of the options, and then you can add any Notes if required and click on Close Tour.


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G. After closing the tour, you will get a survey notification.

a. You can Like or Unlike your experience.

b. Also, you can Skip the question.


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