How do I manage Ask Me Anything Settings for Hayley Chat (AMA)?

Hayley AMA (Ask Me Anything) Settings updates detailed information about your property, which helps Hayley reply to the questions frequently asked by prospects. The data can be synced from your Sub-Org settings. Also, if any extra information is needed, you can contact our support team at to add it under AMA settings.

The Hayley onboarding team will automatically update this setting for you. You can view and verify it using the following steps.


a. Go to Journey AI Suite>  Select Sub - Org > Click Hayley Chat, and go to AMA Settings.

b. The General Property Information tab allows you to update general information about your property, for example, "What are the security measures taken by the property? What are the property office's working hours? Is the property managed by an on-site management team or a third-party management company?" Etc.

c. For each tab under AMA settings, the first panel dumps all related information about the field.

d. Clicking the Fill it for Me button will automatically fill in the answers to the questions below.




f. The Amenities tab will show amenity-related information.

g. Under the Amenities Summary tab, you can view general details about the available amenities.

h. Under the Amenities List, all available amenities for your property will be listed.




i. The Features tab will show key features of your apartment.

j. Under the Features Summary tab, a summary of your apartment features will be added.

k. Under Features List, all the available features of your apartment will be listed.




l. The Pet Policies tab will show the pet policies for your apartments.

m. Parking Policies tab will show parking-related information.

n. Application Process tabs will have all the information prospects may ask about your application process.

o. Finally, neighborhood-related information will be updated under the Neighborhood tab.




p. Under the Lease Agreement tab, your lease agreement pdf can be uploaded, and answers to frequently asked questions can be updated at the bottom panel, for example, "When is my rent due each month? How much is the late fee if I miss the rent payment deadline?" Etc.





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