How do I manage Contact Cards in CRM?

Once the prospects submit their details while looking for the property, the details are recorded in the Journey AI CRM. The system creates a unique Contact Card for every contact. This Contact Card contains all the information about the contact. 
 Following is the step-by-step guide to managing contact cards.
b. Search for the contact and select the contact to go to the contact card. 
c. On the left side, you will find the contact details.
d. You can change the status here by clicking the status dropdown.
e. You find the contact information and update the same, assign an agent.
f.  You can subscribe/unsubscribe to the email. The 'S' sign beside the email and phone number means the user has subscribed to email and SMS. Click the 'S' sign to unsubscribe. The 'U' sign beside the email and phone number means the user has unsubscribed to email and SMS. Click the 'U' sign to subscribe
g. You can view the Form Questions and check if the contact can be Found in other Properties.
h. You will find Activity Stream on the right side panel. You can filter the activity stream by Submits, Communications, Management, and Monitor.
i. On the top right corner, you can find various icons to Send SMS, Send Email, Make Calls, Schedule Tours, Create Tasks, Create Notes, Upload Documents, Merge and Delete contacts.
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