How do I send emails from CRM?
Journey AI CRM allows you to send customized emails to specific prospects/residents. Following are the step-by-step instructions for the same.
c. Before sending the email, ensure that the contact's
email check status is OK and that there is a tick mark beside the email ID.
d. To send an Email, click the Email icon at the top right corner.
e. Once you click on the email icon, a pop-up will open where you can type the message.
f. You can add CC and BCC contacts here.
g. Add a subject for your email.
h. Write the email communication for the prospect/resident in the blank space.
i. You can customize the formatting of the email as per your wish. You can also insert a link and upload images from your system in the Format section.
j. Click on the Image Library to upload an image from the property's image library.
k. To customize the email signature, click the Manage Signature option.
l. You can save a response if it can be used for other prospects/residents by clicking on the Save this Response option.
m. If you have saved responses or canned emails for the email communication, you can select from the same by clicking the Pick a Response option. It will show you a list of all the saved responses and canned emails.
n. You can also attach a document or a file to the email by clicking the Attach a file option.

o. To Send the message, click the Send button.
p. Cick the Schedule for Later button to schedule your email for a future date and time. Add the Date and Time and click Done.
q. Once you click the Schedule for Later button, it will change to Schedule; click the Schedule button to schedule your email on the selected date and time.
r. If you send the email, you will receive a confirmation message, and it will display in the activity stream under the Communication filter.
s. If you schedule the email, you can see the activity under the Plan section.
How do I make a call to contacts in CRM?