How do I create a Blast?

a. Go to Journey AI SuiteSelect Sub - Org > Click Blasts

b. To create a blast, click the + Blast Tab at the right-side top corner, it will take you to the template page.

c. Or you can go to the Template page from the menu bar.




d. You can select a template from saved for your Property, specific to your Org, or ready-to-use templates from Hyly. If you want to use Hyly templates, you need to clone the template to your property.

e. Also, you may try our new AI-powered templates for offers.




f. Select the purpose for creating the blast and select a template. We have exclusively crafted templates for multifamily Announcements, Events, and Offers.

g. On hovering over the selected template, you will get Create Blast and Preview options. To preview the template before creating the blast, click Preview or Create Blast to start creating the blast without preview. ( We will use offer templates here.)



h. To create the blast, you need to edit the following fields, the fields marked with * are mandatory:

  • Subject*: Create an engaging title and subject line for your blast.
  • Preheader: A preheader is the summary text that follows the subject line when an email is viewed in the inbox. According to our data science team, adding a preheader increases the opening and engagement rates by 7% (approx).
  • Title*: Add a catchy title to highlight your offer.
  • Image: You can change the image by uploading it from your system or using images from your Property or Org. The standard size for any image you upload to hyly is 600 by 340 pixels.
  • Subtitle*: Add a subtitle to give a short description of your offer.
  • Email Body: You can change the content, use the text toolbox to customize your text, add links, or highlight your text with colors.
  • Call-to-Action (CTA) URL* and Call-to-Action (CTA)Text*: We have three options for CTA URL and Text as follows:
    • Schedule a Tour: Add your tour scheduler link at the CTA URL, and the CTA text will be Schedule a tour.
    • Send an email: Change the CTA text to Email Us and add "mail it to;"+ your property email ID in the CTA URL.
    • Make a call: Change the CTA text to Call Us and add "TL;" + your property phone number in the CTA URL.
  • Disclaimer*: Finally, you can add a disclaimer to your offer.

The format might vary depending on the template you choose.

i. The right side panel shows the preview of your blast. By default, it will show an email preview. To check the SMS preview, click the sign.

j. To send an SMS, turn on the SMS toggle.

k. Click Save at the top right corner to save the changes.

l. Once the changes are saved, click Schedule to schedule the blast.




How do I Schedule a Blast?