How do I customize the tour schedular design as an admin?

Your scheduling page is your prospect's first interaction with your property when they schedule a tour. To manage your tour scheduler page, follow the below steps;


a. Go to Journey AI Suite> Select Sub-Org> Click Tours> Click Admin Settings: Tour Scheduler.


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b. Scheduler Design is the landing page, where you can make the following changes;

c. Add/Edit Title.

d. Add/Edit Special Message.

e. To Enable appointment types, click the checkbox beside desired appointment types, In-Person Tour, Live Video Tour, or Self-Guided Tour.


Tour scheduler image 2


f. Add/Edit/Delete visible fields, First/Last Name, Phone(s), Emails, Desired Move In Date, etc. To make changes, click the dropdown menu.

g. To add a new field, click + New Field.

h. To mark the required fields, click the Star button beside the field.

i. To delete a field, click the delete button.


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j. Click the checkbox to Add Captcha to the form.

k. Click Save to save your changes.

l. The changes you made will be reflected on the right-side preview panel as the desktop or mobile views. 

m. Cliking + New Tour button will preview the tour scheduler page.


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How do I customize schedular dropdown options as an admin?