How do I manage weekly tour availability as an agent?

a. Go to Journey AI Suite> Select Sub-Org> Click Tours> Click  Agent Settings: Tour Scheduler.


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b. Go to the Recurring Tour Slots page. Here, you can manage tour-slot availability for all tours: In-Person Tours, Live- Live-video tours, and Self-Guided Tours.

c. The parameters to set up are; 

    • Appointment Duration: Time duration sufficient to conduct a tour.
    • Appointment Start Time: It defines the times relative to the hour for when a tour can be booked. These options determine when prospects can schedule tours.
    • Tour Availability Begin Date: When you would like to start accepting tour appointments after a specific date. It can also be set immediately if you are ready to accept tours now.
    • Heads-up Time: This field determines how much time must pass between a prospect booking a tour online and the tour taking place. If, for example, you want at least an hour's notice before conducting a tour, you would set this to one hour, or if you want a day's notice, you would set this to one day.
    • Tour Limit: This determines how far into the future a prospect can schedule a tour. Here, we have this set at 90 days, so the latest a prospect can schedule a tour is 90 days from today.
    • Tour Slot Occupancy: This is to help you block the tour slots in the tour scheduler for the events created by the agents for different purposes like staff meetings, agent events, lease signing meetings, etc. You can decide exactly which event/s will occupy the tour slot and prevent the prospects from booking tours during the event hours


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d. To set up the daily schedule of an average week (or standard office hours), the specific hours must be set in the lower section of the recurring tour slots page.

e. The specific days are available on the left side pane,l and the office hours for scheduling tours.

f. To set the office hours, click on the start and end times.

g. You can add Exclusions time throughout the week where tours cannot be booked for whatever reason, e.g., Lunch hours. 

h. To add exclusion times, click the plus button, and to delete existing ones, click the cross button next to the time.

i. Max reservations per slot field determines how many reservations can be booked per slot. You can change the number by clicking the drop-down menu. The maximum limit is 20 reservations per slot.

j. Click Save to save the changes you made.


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How do I block holidays on the Journey AI Tours for agents?