1. Hyly AI Help Center
  2. Hayley Marketing Automation (FKA Journey AI)

How do I reset the password for my Journey AI account?

Once your account is created in Joureny AI, you might need to reset your password from the Journey AI login page.

Following are the step-by-step instructions to reset your password.


a. Navigate to https://accounts.hyly.app/login and click Forgot Password.


Make sure your email is registered with accounts.hyly.app. If your email address is not registered with Hyly Accounts, contact your corporate admin or support@hy.ly.



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b. Enter your registered email ID and click on SEND VERIFICATION EMAIL.

c. You will receive a confirmation message on the same page, and an email will be sent to your email ID.



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d. Click on the Reset Password link on the email.

e. If you can not open the link, copy and paste the URL given in the mail to your browser.



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f. It will direct you to the New Password Window.

g. Create a new password, confirm the same, and click SET NEW PASSWORD.

h. If you want to cancel the process and resend the verification email, click the Resend Verification Email link.



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i. Return to the login page and sign in with your new password.



How do I change the password for my Journey AI account?