How do I manage events and staff meetings in the Agent Calendar?

In the Tours app, you can manage Non-Tour Agent Events, such as lease signings, lease orientations, ice cream socials, and staff meetings, following the process mentioned below.



1. Scheduling an Event:


a. Go to Journey AI Suite> Select Sub-Org> Click Tours> Go to Agent Calendar

b. Click on the day you wish to book the Agent Event.


agent event


c. Fill in the details as follows:

    • Title: Fill in the title for the Agent Event.
    • Type: Select Agent Events from the drop-down. To schedule a staff meeting, select the type Staff Meetings from the drop-down menu.
    • Start Date & Time: Select the start date of the agent event.
    • End Date & Time: Select the end date of the agent event.

d. You can fill in the details in the Advanced Scheduling section as follows:

    • All-Day Event: Select the checkbox to make the event for the whole day.
    • Repeat: Use the drop-down to select if this event needs to be repeated Daily, Weekly, Custom, etc.
    • Number of Tour Slots: You must mention the number of tour slots you must block for the event. 
      • If the event will not affect the availability of the agents, you can select NO Tour Slot.

      • If you need to block only one tour slot, you can select 1 Tour Slot.

      • You can block more than one tour slot by selecting Custom Tour Slots and choosing the number of slots you want to book.

    • Note: You can add any additional notes here for the Agent Event.
e. Click Create after setting all the required details for the Agent Event.
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f. The agent events and the staff meetings will be visible on the Agent calendar with different colors.
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2. Updating and Deleting an Event:


a. Click on the event you want to edit, and the Edit Event window will open.

b. Make the changes (e.g., Event Title, Type, Date, Time, etc) and click the Update button to reflect the changes.

c. To delete an event, click the Delete button. Upon confirmation, the event will be deleted and removed from your calendar.

agent event
