How do I schedule agent events and staff meetings in Journey AI Tours?

In the Tours app, you can book Non-Tour Agent Events, such as lease signings, lease orientations, ice cream socials, and staff meetings, following the process mentioned below.



a. Go to Journey AI Suite> Select Sub-Org> Click Tours> Go to Agent Calendar.


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b. Click on the day you wish to book the Agent Event.


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c. Fill in the details as follows:

    • Title: Fill in the title for the Agent Event.
    • Type: Select Agent Events from the drop-down. To schedule a staff meeting, select the type Staff Meetings from the drop-down menu.
    • Start Date & Time: Select the start date of the agent event.
    • End Date & Time: Select the end date of the agent event.

d. You can fill in the details in the Advanced Scheduling section as follows:

    • All-Day Event: Select the checkbox to make the event for the whole day.
    • Repeat: Use the drop-down to select if this event needs to be repeated Daily, Weekly, Custom, etc.
    • Number of Tour Slots: You must mention the number of tour slots you must block for the event. 
      • If the event will not affect the availability of the agents, you can select NO Tour Slot.

      • If you need to block only one tour slot, you can select 1 Tour Slot.

      • You can block more than one tour slot by selecting Custom Tour Slots and choosing the number of slots you want to book.

    • Note: You can add any additional notes here for the Agent Event.
e. Click Create after setting all the required details for the Agent Event.
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f. The agent events and the staff meetings will be visible on the Agent calendar with different colors.
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