You can use the Search Contact page under Diagnostics in Performance AI to find out the details about a specific contact.
A. Navigate to: Performance AI ➡️ Diagnostics ➡️ Search Contact.
B. This will open the Search Contact page, which includes a search box to search for names:
a. Input the name, email ID, or phone number of the lead you're searching for; in this
case, we entered Damien.
b. The first column lists the names of the leads.
c. The second column lists the email IDs of the leads.
d. The third column lists the phone numbers of the leads.
e. The fourth column lists the status of the leads, in this case, it is Active. The statuses
available are:
∙ Active - The lead is interacting with your ads, property websites or other marketing
∙ Dormant - The lead has stopped interacting with your marketing efforts.
∙ Resident - The lead has leased and is now a resident.
∙ Non-lead - Not a lead.
∙ Applicant - Someone who has applied to lease.
∙ Prospect - A lead who has just started interacting with your marketing efforts.