How Do I Set Up DKIM?


DKIM stands for DomainKeys Identified Mail. It is a way to ensure that an email has not been altered from when it was sent to when it was received. It helps verify that an email actually comes from the domain it claims to come from.

Why do we need to verify DKIM?


It is crucial to ensure that your emails do not end up in spam folders. You must encourage recipients to add your email address to their contacts and ensure that your domain is DKIM verified.

DKIM verification is essential as it helps detect forgery, prevents spam delivery, improves reputability, and increases deliverability.

In this article, you will learn about DKIM setup and verification.

Process of DKIM Setup and Verification:


a. Contact Hyly Support:

  • Contact Hyly support explaining that you want DKIM to verify your domain.

b. Receive CNAME Records:

  • Hyly support will provide you with two CSV files: one for CNAME records( with three CNAME records in the file) and one for the TXT record. The CNAME is for DKIM, and the TXT is for the Mail From domain.



💡 What is a CNAME record? A type of DNS record that acts like an alias. It points a domain name (like a subdomain) to another domain name where the actual content is located. For example, when your website's main content is hosted on "", you can create a CNAME record for "" in your domain registrar's DNS management settings.

This record consists of an Alias ("") and a Canonical Name ("”). When someone enters "" in their browser, the CNAME record directs the user to "".

CNAME Records include:

  • Record Name
  • Record Type
  • Record Value 



💡 What is a TXT Record?

A TXT is a DNS record that provides extra information about your domain. Add a TXT record to your domain's DNS server with a specified Name and Value to complete Amazon SES domain verification.

Add the following TXT record to your DNS:

Record Type: TXT (Text)

TXT Name*:

TXT Value: NfKR8pcffBdMIndy4nFQY2nh+BB3ccjz+IP9ssl8Qoc=



c. Access Your Domain's DNS Settings:

  • Log in to your domain registrar (e.g., GoDaddy) and navigate to the DNS management section.

d. Create New CNAME Records:

  • Add the 3 CNAME records provided by Hyly support to your DNS.

e. Save the Records:

  • Save the new CNAME records in your DNS settings. Ensure these records are added within 72 hours of receiving them.

f. Verifying DKIM:

Once all the records are added successfully, the server verifies DKIM using the below-mentioned steps:

  • When a person sends an email, the sender's email server adds a unique digital signature to the email. The sender's domain publishes a public key for verification in DNS records.
  • The recipient's server retrieves the public key and uses it to decrypt the signature.
  • A matching signature confirms email authenticity; otherwise, it's marked as spam or rejected.

DKIM verification helps ensure the authenticity and integrity of an email by using digital signatures and public keys to prevent email spoofing and confirm the sender's domain. This process protects the sender and recipient from email fraud, increasing the chances of emails reaching the inbox.

For further assistance, please contact our team at