How do I upload a new image in Journey AI Drips?

a. Go to Journey AI Suite> Select Sub - Org > Click Drips. 

b. Select the Angel and the Email Drip you wish to Edit. While editing the drip, you can delete or replace existing images.

c. You may edit an existing section or add a new section and go to the image.

d. To Replace the image, hover over the image and click Replace. You can also delete the image. Make sure the image resolution must be 600x340 px


edit image 1


e. You can directly Upload the image from your device or choose from Property images, Org images, or Floor plan images.


edit image 2


f. Once you select the image you can scale the image if required and click Save to save changes.


edit image 3


g. The new image will be successfully added to the drip.



How do I edit a drip using the Journey AI Drips new editor?