Admin Settings for the tour site help the admin customize the tour site page for their property and also help integrate the tour site to their property website.
A. Go to Journey AI Suite> Select Sub-Org> Click Tours> Click Admin Settings: Tours Site.
B. The Admin Settings: Tours Site page has three sub-pages:
- Tour Site:
a. The Tour Site page allows you to customize the Tour Site home page.
b. You can add/remove the property logo.
c. You can add/edit the page title and description.
d. Under the View Now toggle, you can add and update videos. Also, you can add the Hover Message for the videos.
e. Under the Book a Tour toggle, you can select the tour types a prospect can book; you can also add Hover Message for the tour types here.
f. You can preview your changes in the right side panel.
g. Click the Save button to save changes.

a. The Tour Experience page allows you to customize the Tour Experience home page by adding/editing the page title and description.
b. You can customize all tour types from here; Pre-Recorded Videos, 3D Tour, In-Person Tour, Live Video Tour, and Self-Guided Tour.
c. You can add/edit the page title and description.
d. You can add/edit/delete pre-recorded videos and thumbnail images for the property amenities.
e. You can preview your changes in the right side panel.
f. Click the Save button to save changes.
a. The Embeds page has the code and URL to embed the tour site on your property website.
b. To copy the Pop-Up Script, click the Copy button.
c. To get detailed instructions, click the Show Instructions button.
d. To view the Direct URL, click the URL, and to copy, click the Copy button.