How do I use the Alerts Log page in CRM?

The Journey AI CRM Alert Log page allows you to check the alerts, filter them, and take relevant actions.


a. Log in to and navigate to the CRM app and the Agent Activity page. 

b. You can filter by State, i.e., Seen or Unseen, Alert Type, Contact Name, Email, and Date Range.

c. The total number of alerts will be displayed on the top left.

d. You can search by contact name, email, or phone number. 

e. Mark all as Seen button will allow you to change the status to seen.

f. The list will display Alert Type, Contact Name, Message, Date and Time, and Action columns.


Alert log 1


g. You can individually change the status of the alerts by clicking the Mark as a Seen button under the action column.

h. Click the Mark as Unseen Button to change the status to Unseen.

i. To check the alert details, click on the row.


Alert log 2


j. It will direct you to the activity stream of that specific contact card.


Alert log 3



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