How do I use the Attribution Mapping page?

Attribution Mapping allows you to directly add sources to the source list for your organization and map it to the UTM tags you use.


A. Navigate to: Performance AI ➡️ Settings ➡️ Attribution Settings ➡️ Attribution Mapping.


B. The page has a set of tables that relate to different marketing attributes where you can add or

     manage each type. Let's take the example of the Performance AI Source table:

a. You can switch between Source, Medium, Channel, Method, and Assist to select the

    type of attribute you want to add or manage. 

b. You can select whether deprecated sources (sources not in use) will be added to the

    PAI reports.

Guides to marketing source, medium, channel, method, and assist.



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c. You can select the default source (the source that is used when no other source is

    present) using the dropdown menu.

d. To add a source to the PAI reports, use the ADD SOURCE button.

e. You can search for sources using the source nameprimary UTM

    tag, or secondary UTM tags columns, there's a search bar below each column name.


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f. You can click on the primary UTM tag to add or delete tags from a source.

g. You can click on the secondary UTM tag to add or delete tags from a secondary source.

h. You can use the EDIT button to edit the particular source in question. 

i. You can also delete a source using the image-png-Dec-27-2023-02-29-53-2290-PM button. 


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C. When you choose to add or edit a source, it opens a new menu where you can change

     different features of the source. 

a. Add or edit a source name.

b. Select a source from the list of sources in Yardi.

c. Add or edit the primary UTM tags. Use enter to add a tag.

d. Add or edit the secondary UTM tags. Use enter to add a tag.

e. Add or edit a referrer this refers to the referring domain of a source. 

f. Select if the source will be included in the Contact Us and Scheduler forms on either

   or both of the Prospect and Agent channels.

g. Select a medium that will be selected as a default for this source. 

h. Select a channel that will be selected as a default for this source. 

i. Select a method that will be selected as a default for this source. 

j.  Select a Vendor name from the list in Yardi. 

k. You can cancel the process of addition and editing using the CANCEL button.

l. You can save the new or edited sources using the SAVE button. 


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