How do I use the Contact by Assist reports under LGA Explorer?

The Contact by Assist table lists all the assists, the leads they influenced, and the position of the leads according to the CrSTAL milestones. 

Guide to marketing assists and the CrSTAL milestones.


A. Navigate to: Performance AI ➡️ Lead Gen Analysis ➡️ LGA Explorer ➡️ Contact by Assist.


B. To view the table in different ways and to manage the report, you can:


Contact by Assist - Overview - 1


a. Download the report in a .csv format. 

b. Sort the columns in an ascending order by clicking on the  button or in a

    descending order by clicking on the  button. 

c. Toggle the number of rows that will be shown on one page by using the View dropdown


d. Select a particular page by clicking on the numbers on the bottom right of the page. 


C. The table depicts the assists and their efficacy in a tabular format. 


Contact by Assist - Overview - 2


a. In each of the columns, there's a search box that allows you to find a particular value in

    the column. The first column lists the name of the assists

b. The second column lists the number of leads influenced by the assist.

c. The third column lists the number of 1st tour schedulings influenced by the assist

d. The fourth column lists the number of 1st tour completions influenced by the assists.

e. The fifth column lists the number of application submissions influenced by the


f. The sixth column lists the number of leases influenced by the assists.

g. In this graph, the Agent assist:

• Influenced the creation of 214 leads.

• Influenced the scheduling of 141 1st tours.

• Influenced the completion of 122 1st tours.

• Influenced the submission of 37 applications.

• Influenced the completion of 26 leases.



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