How do I use the Contact Lists page in CRM?

Journey AI CRM Contact List will display all the statuses or sub-statuses of your prospects, residents, and general contacts. 


a. Log in to and navigate to the CRM app and the Contact Lists page.

b. You can view the page By Status or By Sub-Status of your contacts.

c. You can see Task Notification and Alert Notification icons at the top.

d. The total number of contacts will be displayed at the top left corner.

e. Filter button will allow you to filter your contacts based on criteria like Name, Email, Phone number of your contact or Status, Sub-Status, Agents, Desired Price Range, Desired Unit, etc.

f. You can search by contact name/email/phone number.

g. Also, you can add a new contact.


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h. You can find the contacts under the Statuses, e.g., Active, Applicant, Leased, Influencer, Dormant, Non-Lead, and Unknown. 


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i. You can find the contacts under the Sub-Statuses, e.g., Unmanaged, New, Contacted, Informed, Scheduled, Toured, Leased, Applicant, Current, Future, Notice, Past, Influencer, Broker, Student, Dormant, Non-Lead, and Unknown. 

j. To do a bulk edit, select the check box beside the Last Modified column.


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k. You can perform bulk operations like Change Agent, Change Sub-Status, Change Status, Change Desired Price Range, Change Unit, Add Tags, Remove Tags, Subscribe, Unsubscribe, and Delete.


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How do I use the Tasks page in CRM?