How do I use the CrSTAL by Assist reports under LGA Explorer?

The CrSTAL by Assist ranks the assists by the number of leads they influenced that are in different CrSTAL milestones.

Guide to marketing assists and the CrSTAL milestones.


A. Navigate to: Performance AI ➡️ Lead Gen Analysis ➡️ LGA Explorer ➡️ CrSTAL by Assist.


B. You can view the CrSTAL by Assist table in different ways by using the following functions:


CrSTAL by Assist - Overview - 1.1


a. Using the dropdown menu, choose the CrSTAL milestone for which you want to

     measure assist efficiency. 

b. Search for a specific assist using their name. 

c. Use boolean operators like >,< and = to find specific values.

For example: To find sources that bought in less than 10 leases, search "<10".


C. The table contains data on how many of the leads in the CrSTAL milestone stage were

     influenced by the assist.


CrSTAL by Assist - Overview - 2.1


a. The first column lists the name of the assist.

b. The second column lists the number of leases.

c. In the third column, the relative number of leases and the percentage of total

    leases they represent are shown graphically. 

d. For example, the Phone assist:

• Influenced 26 leases.

• Influenced 20.3% of the total number of leases. 



How do I navigate to the CrSTAL by Medium reports under LGA Explorer?

How do I navigate to the CrSTAL by Source reports under LGA Explorer?