How do I use the Drips By Property report in Success Center?

The Journey AI Success Center Drips By Property report shows the drips sent by the properties and their performance.

Following are the step-by-step instructions to use the Drips By Property Report.


a. Go to Journey AI Suite> Select Org > Click Success Center.

b. Go to Drips reports and click By Property sub-menu.

c. You can filter the report by Date Range and Property names.




d. Click on the three dots at the extreme right to Email the report, to Schedule an email, or to view sent email history.




e. In the first panel, you'll see the overall org's analytics:

  • #Total Sends:  Total number of drips sent by all the properties for a certain date range.
  • %Unique Open: This is the percentage of drips opened by unique contacts.
  • %Unique Click: This is the percentage of drips clicked by unique contacts.
  • %Bounce: This is the percentage of emails that were bounced.
  • %Unsubscribes: This is the percentage of contacts who have unsubscribed from the email.

Guide on the Journey AI Report Metrics.


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f. The second panel shows the Number of Sends and Open rate analytics for each property. The data is displayed as a progress bar. The number of sends is represented by the blue bar, and the Open rate is represented by the orange bar.

g. The third panel shows the analytics of all the Drips sent out by all the properties. It shows the following information:

  • Property: Name of the property.
  • Angel: Name of the drip angel.
  • Sends: Number of contacts to whom the drip was sent.
  • Unique Opens: Number of unique contacts who have opened the message.
  • Unique Clicks: Number of contacts who have clicked the message.
  • Unsubscribes: Number of contacts who have unsubscribed from the drip message.

h. All fields in the third panel are sortable. Also, you can filter each column using the filter button.

i. To download the report, click the Download button.

