How do I use the Journey AI Blasts ‘Analysis By Fields’ feedback reports page?

a. Go to Journey AI SuiteSelect Sub - Org > Click Blasts

b. Go to the Feedback Reports menu and click Analysis By Fields report under it. 

c. The report can be filtered by Orgs, Properties, and Timeline.

d. The report shows the following fields;

    • Org: Name of the org.
    • Property: Name of the property under the Org.
    • Blasts Type: The type of blast for which a report is generated.
    • Prompt Template: The prompt template used.
    • Fields Feedback: The feedback fields are - Like, Dislike, Regenerated, and Human Replaced. Click each field to get a detailed report.

e. On clicking the download button, you can download the data.


Feedback report image 1



How do I enable Blasts approval from Blasts Settings?