The 'By Email Platform' report shows the engagement metrics of different Email platforms. It displays the number of contacts who have opened the Blast through these platforms. This report can be accessed from the Org and Sub-Org levels. Following are the step-by-step instructions to use the By Email Platform report.
a. Go to Journey AI Suite> Select Sub - Org > Click Blasts.
b. Go to the Reports menu and click By Email Platform report under it.
c. At the top right, you have buttons to copy the URL and
button to mark the report as a favorite.
d. At the Org level, reports can be filtered by Property name and date range. At the Sub Org level, reports can be filtered by date range. The rest of the report is the same in both Org and Sub-Org.
e. This report consists of three panels: Open By Mail Client, Open by OS, and Open by Device.
f. Open By Mail Client - This shows the web browsers the contacts used to open the email.
- At the top left of the panel, you can find the total number of blasts Opened By Mail Clients. In the below image, it is 2612.
- Next, the data is broken down into the mail clients/ browser name, number of open per browser, percentage open per browser, and progress bar.
For example, in the below image, out of 2612 total blasts open, 1690 are opened in Mozilla. The open rate is therefore 64.7%.
g. Open by OS - This shows which operating systems are the contacts used to open the blasts.
- At the top left of the panel, you can find the total number of blasts Opened By OS. In the below image, it is 2612.
- Next, the data is broken down into the OS name, number of open per OS, percentage open per OS, and progress bar.
For example, in the below image, out of 2612 total blasts open, 1824 are opened in others. The open rate is therefore 69.8%.
h. Open by Device - This shows which devices the contacts used to open the blasts.
- At the top left of the panel, you can find the total number of blasts Opened By Device. In the below image, it is 2612.
- Next, the data is broken down into the device name, number of open per device, percentage open per device, and progress bar.
For example, in the below image, out of 2612 total blasts open, 1825 are opened in others. The open rate is therefore 69.9%.
How do I use the Journey AI Blasts Property Audit report?
How do I use the Journey AI Blasts ‘Property Audit’ report at the Org Level?