How do I use the Referrer page under Diagnostics?

The Referrer page under Diagnostics in Performance AI summarizes the tagging errors across your properties for a specific period.


A. Navigate to: Performance AI ➡️ Diagnostics ➡️ Referrer.


B. The table in Referrer summarizes the tagging errors over a specific time period:

a. You can you the Save Current View button to save the current view.

b. You can use the image-png-Dec-05-2023-09-17-09-8957-AM button to filter the table and include or remove columns of interest

c. The image-png-Dec-05-2023-09-17-54-3518-AM button will bring up search options below each column so you can search for

    particular values. 

d. The button will download the report in a .csv format.

e. You can use the image-png-Dec-18-2023-12-00-36-8252-PM button to arrange the columns in a descending order.

f. You can use the image-png-Dec-18-2023-11-59-14-9898-AM button to arrange the columns in an ascending order.


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g. You can choose the specific time period (1 day, 7 days, or 30 days) using the dropdown


h. You can use the View dropdown menu to choose how many rows are visible on one


i. You can toggle between various pages of the table using the Showing pages numbers.


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j. The 1st column of the table lists the name of the referring domain.

k. The 2nd column of the table lists the number of visits that came from said domain.

l. The 3rd column lists the percentage and number of visits without any UTM tag

    for the source.

m. The 4th column lists the percentage and number of visits without any UTM tag 

      for the medium.

n. Lists the recommended tag one can use to fix the tagging error. 

o. For the referring domain:

∙ 331 visits were recorded. You can click the number to see the drill-down table for

   these visits. 

∙ 100% or 331 of the visits came without any source tag. You can click the

   number to see the drill-down table for these visits. 

∙ 100% or 331 of the visits came without any medium tag. You can click the

   number to see the drill-down table for these visits. 

∙ The recommended tag for the property website was


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C. Click on  to find the following options to filter this table:

a. Move specific columns from the table below into the Fixed Columns space to fix the 

    columns in the table when you scroll. 

b. Select or unselect specific columns that you want to see in the table.

c. Click on Apply to apply the filters into the table.

d. Click on Cancel to cancel the filters you've chosen. 


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How do I track tagging errors in my source list?

How do I fix tagging errors in my source list?