The Search Contact allows you to find specific contacts using their name, emails or phone numbers.
A. Performance AI ➡️ Diagnostics ➡️ Search Contact.
B. The Search Contact page allows you to search for specific contacts using their names,
emails, or phone numbers, here we have searched for "John."
a. Use the View dropdown menu to choose how many contacts are shown on one page.
b. Use the show page numbers buttons to choose the page you want to view.
c. The 1st column lists the name of the contact.
d. The 2nd column lists the email address of the contact.
e. The 3rd column lists the phone number of the contact.
f. The fourth column lists the status of the leads, in this case, it is Active. The statuses
available are:
∙ Active - The lead is interacting with your ads, property websites or other marketing
∙ Dormant - The lead has stopped interacting with your marketing efforts.
∙ Resident - The lead has leased and is now a resident.
∙ Non-lead - Not a lead.
∙ Applicant - Someone who has applied to lease.
∙ Prospect - A lead who has just started interacting with your marketing efforts.