How do I use the Standard Setup page under Diagnostics?

The Standard Setup page summarizes the connection statuses of different properties

across your organization with Performance AI.


A. Navigate to: Performance AI ➡️ Diagnostics ➡️ Standard Setup.


B. The table under Standard Setup lists the connection status of your properties

     with PAI.

a. The first column lists the Property name.

b. The second column lists the Status of Connection and is depicted in percentages.

c. For example, the Rolling Brook Village has a connection percentage of 82%.

d. And the Crystal Towers have a connection percentage of 85%.


Standard Setup Overview - 1


C. When you click on any row with your chosen property name, the tasks that are left to finish are


a. There are 20 tasks to finish the connection. Among these, GA4 Event Tracking has

    been activated as indicated by image-png-Dec-18-2023-11-40-44-2836-AM.

b. Similarly, the Contact Forms have not been installed as indicated by image-png-Dec-18-2023-11-42-17-4975-AM.


Standard Setup Overview - 2



How do I check if a property is fully connected in Performance AI?