How do I use the Taskless Contacts page in CRM?

The Journey AI CRM Taskless Contacts page checks if agents have missed creating a follow-up task for any contact. This is to ensure that no contact goes untouched.


a. Log in to and navigate the CRM app and the Taskless Contact page. 

b. The total number of Taskless Contacts will be displayed at the top left.

c. The Taskless Contact list will display Agent details, Status> Sub-Status, Lead Creation date, Contact Name, and Emai ID of the contact.

d. You can search or filter the task-less contact list by following criteria;

  • Agent Name:  You can search for all agents or a specific agent.
  • Status>Substatus: You can search for all sub-statuses or specific sub-status.
  • Date Range: You can search for any specific date range, like Today, This Week, This Month, or this year, or customize the date range.
  • Contact Name: Name of the contact.
  • Email: Email ID of the contact.

e. Once you select your criteria, click Search.

f. If you want to view a specific contact, click on that row.


CRM taskless contact 1


g. On clicking the row, the contact card will open.


crm taskless contact 2



How do I use the Agent Activity page in CRM?