The Total Tours By Assist reports summarize the performance of different marketing assists with respect to the number of completed 1st tours and scheduled tours.
Guide to marketing assists.
A. Go to: Performance AI ➡️ Multitouch Attribution ➡️ Total Tours ➡️ Total Tours By Assist.
B. Choose the property and time period for which you want to see the Total Tours By
Assist reports.
C. The first list is an Overview of Top Assists for Scheduled and Completed Tours.
a. The first number is the number of tours scheduled, i.e., 990.
b. Next, the contribution of the top 3 assists to the scheduled tours is demonstrated in
a line graph. Colors are used to represent each assist.
• is used to represent Agents.
• is used to represent Client Tour Scheduler.
• is used to represent CoStar.
c. There's a list of the top 3 assists and the number and percent of scheduled
tours they influenced:
• Agent influenced 556 scheduled tours which was 56.16% of the total scheduled
• Client Tour Scheduled influenced 428 scheduled tours which was 43.23% of the
total scheduled tours.
• CoStar influenced 6 scheduled tours which was 0.61% of the total scheduled tours.
• You can click on Explore More to bring up the list of all the assists.
d. The total number of tours completed is 514.
e. Next, the contribution of the top 3 assists to the completed tours is demonstrated in
a line graph. Colors are used to represent each assist.
• is used to represent Agents.
• is used to represent Client Tour Scheduler.
• is used to represent CoStar.
f. There's a list of the top 3 assists and the number and percent of completed
tours they influenced:
• Agent influenced 337 tours which was 65.56% of the total completed
• Client Tour Scheduled influenced 175 tours which was 34.05% of the
total completed tours.
• CoStar influenced 2 tours which was 0.39% of the total completed tours.
• You can click on Explore More to bring up the list of all the assists.
D. The graph answers the question Which scheduling assists convert best to tours?
a. You can hover over any specific curve to get drill-down details. For example, The
Agent influenced 56.16% of the scheduled tours, which converted to 65.56% of the
completed tours.
How do I interpret the graph in the section “Which scheduling assists convert best to tours?"?