How do I use the Tours Explorer by Assist report?

The Tours Explorer by Assist report examines the efficiency of assists in bringing tours in a tabular format. 


A. Navigate to: Performance AI ➡️ Multitouch Attribution ➡️ Tours Explorer ➡️ by Assist.


B. To manage how you are viewing the table:

a. You can filter the columns shown in the table by clicking the  button. 

b. You can search for specific values in each column by clicking the  button. 

c. You can download the report in a .csv format by clicking the  button.

d. You can  sort the columns in an ascending order by clicking on the  button or in a

    descending order by clicking on the  button. 

e. Toggle the number of rows that will be shown on one page by using the View dropdown


f. Select a particular page by clicking on the numbers on the bottom right of the page. 


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C. When you click on  to find the following options to filter the tables, you can:

a. Move specific columns from the table below into the Fixed Columns space to fix the 

    columns in the table when you scroll. 

b. Select or unselect specific columns that you want to see in the table.

c. Click on Apply to apply the filters to the table.

d. Click on Cancel to cancel the filters you've chosen. 


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D. The table demonstrates the efficiency of assists in influencing scheduled and completed 1st


a. The first column lists the assist name.

b. The second column lists the number of 1st tours scheduled that were influenced

     by the assist. 

c. The third column lists the number of 1st tours completed that were influenced by

     the assist. 

d. The fourth column lists the percentage of completed tours. 

e. For example, in this graph, the Client Tour Scheduler:

• Influenced 428 tour schedulings.

• Influenced 174 tour completions.

• Had a tour completion rate of 40.65%.


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