How can I change event approval settings using the Events Settings page?

A. Go to Journey AI Suite> Select Sub - Org > Click Events

B. Click on the Settings menu and click the Approval Process setting under it.

C. Under Approval Process settings, the following actions can be taken;

a. Enable Approval Process: 

  • On enabling the approval process for an agent, all the blasts/emails the agent sends will require admin approval.
  • To turn the approval process on or off, shift the toggle button to yes or no, respectively, and Save.

b. Approvers: 

  • Under the Approver tab, one can add a list of approver's emails authorized to approve blasts/emails.
  • Email IDs must be separated by enter or comma to add multiple approvers.

c. Approved Agents:

  • Under the Approved Agents tab, email IDs of those agents who do not need approval can be added.
  • Email IDs must be separated by enter or comma to add multiple approvers.



How do I add broker lists/details using the Events Settings?