a. Log in to https://accounts.hyly.app, select Org, and go to the hyMail app.
b. Click on My Emails drop down and select Org Templates.
c. Click on the + button to add a new template, then click on Clone Hy.ly Template.
d. Click on the tab Import, and then click on the button below IMPORT TEMPLATE. Select the JASON file from your system and import it.
e. You can see the template created under the section Org Templates.
f. Hover over the template and click on Design to edit the new Org template created.
g. To access the code and update it, you need to click on the top right button with the three dots and then click on Advanced Editor.
h. You will need to replace all the possible existing links with the Suborg links in the HTML code.
i. You will also have to replace all the Website links as well if they are present in the template. For that go to Macro List, under Sub-Org search for Links.
j. You will then need to replace the Suborg Address, Email Address, and Phone Number as well with , , and
k. After replacing all the links with Macros, click Save and click on SuperHylet Editor.
After you've updated the template and saved the changes, you can update the From and Reply to fields as the Suborg's email. Then, you will have to try to send a test email to ensure all the changes have been done accurately.
l. You can update the From and Reply to email addresses under the section Email Header.
m. After updating the above, you can send a test email under the section Send a Test.