a. Go to Journey AI Suite> Select Sub - Org > Click Events.
b. Once you log in to the Events app, click on the three lines at the Top left to see all the available menus.
c. The Events menu is for the main dashboard. You can view, create, or edit events from this page.
d. The Templates menu houses all available event templates. Events can be created from here as well.
e. The Approvals menu contains controls to manage and perform event approvals. It has three sub-menus:
🔹My Approvals: Displays a list of events waiting for approval.
🔹All Approvals: Displays all events submitted for approval.
🔹Approval History: Displays all completed approvals.

f. The Reports menu houses all reports related to Events. The following are the sub-menus:
🔹By Event: Contains reports for all events.
🔹Event Contact List: Contains the status of the invitees for an event.
🔹My Analytics: Contains event reports marked as 'favorite.'
g. The Settings menu allows admins to customize Events based on their needs. It has the following sub-menus:
🔹Approval Process: Add approvers and turn approvals on/off.
🔹Broker Upload: Add new broker contact lists.
🔹Student Upload: Add new student lists.
🔹Universal BCC: Add email addresses to the BCC list.

How do I use the Journey AI Events dashboard?