How do I schedule an event?

Note: You will either send your event for approval or publish it immediately, depending on your accessibility in Journey AI Events.


Once an event is created and previewed under the Omnichannel Preview section, the next step is to schedule the event. To schedule an event, follow the steps given below;


A. Go to Journey AI Suite> Select Sub - Org > Click Events

B. Create a new event or Edit an existing event. 

C. Once the preview is done in the Omnichannel preview section, click Next to move to the Schedule Invite page.

D. Send Test Invite: Go to Schedule test invite to send a test event invite.
a. Send a test invite before publishing the event to check if the event invite is working correctly.
b. A test email (and/or SMS) can be sent to your chosen contacts. 
c. Click the Send Test Invite button.
E. Publish on Property Website: Once the test email is sent, the event can be published on the property website by turning the toggle button on the right side to the Property Website tab.
F. Send invites via Email or SMS: Go to send invites Email & SMS tab to schedule invite.
a. Select the invitees.
b. Select the event date and time.
c. Click the Schedule Invites button.
g. Share Invite on Social Media: The invitation can be published on social media pages.
h. If the event needs admin's approval, then the event must be approved before scheduling.