Quick Steps
- You can upload images under the Email Editor when replacing placeholder images or under your hyMail's Media page.
- Upload an image from your computer by either dragging and dropping the image or clicking the "Browse Files" button.
- If you have images on external hosting sites, use the Import from URL option.
- If you have email images stored on Dropbox, use the Import from Dropbox option to link to your account.
- Similarly, if you have your email images stored on Google Drive, you can access that account by clicking the Import from Google Drive option.
- You can also select an already uploaded image from the My Images tab.
In this tutorial, we will go over the four ways to upload images to your hyMail emails.
Step 1 - Upload or Replace Image
There are two locations where you can upload an image. Most of the time, you will be in the Email Editor and replacing the placeholders under the various Splash images. You do not have to be designing an email to upload images. You can also upload images under your Media organizer.
Upload Media has four options: Browse Files , Import from URL , Import from Dropbox , and Import from Google Drive .
Step 2 - Browse Files to Upload
The Browse Files option allows you to upload an image directly from your desktop. After you have clicked Browse Files, search for the image you want to upload from your computer, select it, and click the "Start Upload" button. You also have the option of a "Cancel" button if you upload an incorrect image. If the image you want to upload is on your desktop, drag and drop it in the "Drop files from your computer here" area.
Step 3 - Import from URL
Import from URL allows you to upload an image by linking to its URL. If you have images that are uploaded to hosting sites such as Imgur, TinyPic, or Photobucket, then you will want to choose this option. Copy the URL of the image you want to upload or use, paste it into the URL field, and click the "Import" button.
Step 4 - Import from Dropbox
Import from Dropbox allows you to upload images from your Dropbox account. If you or your company has a Dropbox account where images for future emails are stored, you can upload those to your Media organizer.
Click the Import from Dropbox option, and a mini Dropbox window will appear. If you are logged into your account, browse through your Photos section, select the photo -- or photos -- that you want to upload, and click on the "Choose" button once you are done.
Step 5 - Import from Google Drive
Import from Google Drive allows you to upload your images by importing them from your Google Drive. Click on the option Import from Google Drive, and a small pop-up window will appear, requesting permission to access files in your folder. Click the "Allow" button, and your Google Drive photo gallery will appear.
From there, you can select a specific photo to upload or choose multiple photos by holding the 'command' button. Once you are satisfied, click the "Select" button on the bottom left corner.
Step 6 - Select from the Media Library of hyMail
The second tab, My Images, allows you to select an image you have already uploaded to your Media Library instead of uploading one. This tab only appears while you are on the Email Editor.
That covers the many ways in which you can upload your images. If you can, try each of these uploading methods to see which works best for you.