How do I use macros in an email?

Quick Steps
  1. Macros are codes that automatically generate customizable information, such as a property's name, address, website URLs, or names of prospects/residents.
  2. While editing an email, click on the label Email Slices, and select Macro from the dropdown field.
  3. Copy and paste from the list of macros into your email's text or field areas.
  4. One common way to use macros is using them to display a prospect's name in the Email Title and Subject Line fields.
  5. Macros can also be used in tour autoresponders so they can apply to all of the properties you manage under the hyTours app.
  6. You can also use macros to substitute URLs for social sites like Facebook and Twitter.
Tutorial Guide
For this tutorial, we will be going over what macros are, and how you can personalize them in your emails.

What are macros, and why should I use them?

Macros are codes you can use to customize an email for an individual or a property. Each macro will automatically generate information for the individual receiving the email and for the property sending the email.
To get to the list of macros that you can use when you are creating an email, click on the label Email Slices, and a small dropdown field will appear. Select the option "Macro."
You will be taken to the Macro page, which will display a long list of the following macros you can use in your emails.

Use Macros By Including A Prospect's Name

By personalizing an email using macros, you can encourage your users to engage with the email. One way of personalizing an email is by using macros that will display the prospect's name in the Email Title and Subject Line fields.
This will allow you to send out batch emails that, although retaining the standard message, will be personalized enough to display a specific prospect's name.
This small touch of personalization will give your prospects another incentive to open and read the email.

Use macros in your autoresponders

Macros aren't limited to personalizing a campaign, and they can also be used to substitute property information. Let's say that you want to send an autoresponder to prospects that submit a tour request. You don't want to create a template for every property, but by using macros, you can create an autoresponder that will apply to all the properties you manage.
When a prospect schedules a tour of a property, then the Post Submit autoresponder will be sent to their email address.
Because there are macros for the prospect's first name, the property name, and the prospect's selected date and time, those will automatically be filled in based on what information the prospect has entered in the Scheduler.

Use Macros To Easily Substitute Property Information

Likewise with multiple properties, you don't want to spend time customizing the different property information in every single email manually. Macros can also help in this case. If your properties have links to social media sites, like Facebook, for example, you don't have to replace the URL under each email campaign for all of your different properties. A Facebook URL macro will automatically link the Facebook icon in the email to the property's Facebook page. This also goes for any links to a property's website, such as Floor Plans, Amenities, etc.
That just about covers all you need to know about macros and how to use them!