What are the PAI Diagnostics Standard Setup Fields?


Performance AI Diagnostics reports can help you identify and fix connection issues, tagging errors, and other connectivity problems within your organization.

The Standard Setup report provides a quick overview of how your various properties are connected to Performance AI. It focuses on the 19 essential fields (displayed in the image below) that need to be configured correctly for optimal performance.



This article will explain these standard setup fields, their meaning, and why they're essential.

1. GTM Tags Installed:

  • This field indicates whether or not GTM tags have been installed on the property website.
  • It shows No Setup when the Hyly Attribution Manager tag has not been added to the property GTM container in Google Tag Manager.
  • Significance: GTM Tags help track the prospect’s activity across the website.


2. Tracking Activated:

  • This field indicates if the GTM box has been checked in Nimda.
  • It shows No Setup when the GTM box has not been checked in Nimda.
  • Significance: If the GTM tracking is accessible on Hyly's end, Hyly can detect the hyly attribution tag manager and track the prospect's activity on the website.


3. Hyly Advanced Listeners Activated:

  • This field indicates if client form listeners have been activated in Nimda.
  • It shows No Setup when the form listener has not been activated in Nimda.
  • Significance: These form listeners enable the attribution tag manager to record incoming information from the client tour scheduler and contact forms and help attribute every sign-up to their exact source with details.


4. GA4 Event Tracking Activated:

  • This field indicates if Enable GA4 Events have been checked in Nimda settings.
  • It shows No Setup when the GA4 events checkbox has not been enabled.
  • Significance: This field indicates that Hyly is connected with the property's GA4 set up to track every event, such as the number of clicks, click locations, form fillings, scheduled tours, or canceled tours. It ensures data collection from GA4 event tracking according to the new events taxonomy.


5. GA4 Measurement ID Mapped:

  • This field indicates whether the Measurement ID associated with the data stream has been added to Nimda.
  • It shows No Setup when the property has not been mapped to the appropriate GA4 account—data stream in the PAI app.
  • Significance: This field allows Hyly to send form listener events to correct the GA4 account and data stream.


6. GA4 API Activated:

  • This field indicates if the API secret key has been generated for the stream in the GA4 account and added to the Nimda settings page.
  • It shows No Setup in either of the following scenarios;
  • The API secret key has not been generated for the data stream in the GA4 account.
  • The property has not been mapped to the appropriate GA4 account - Data stream in the PAI app.
  • Significance: This field allows Hyly to authenticate into GA4 and transfer the form listener events data to GA4.


7. GA4 Account Mapped:

  • This field indicates if a property has been mapped to an appropriate GA4 account - Data stream in the PAI app.
  • It shows No Setup if the property has not been mapped to the appropriate GA4 account - Data stream in the PAI app.
  • Significance: The measurement ID and API key must be mapped to a specific property for smooth data flow from the form listener to GA4.


8. Application Tracking Activated:

  • This field indicates if the GA4 container ID has been added to Nimda.
  • It shows No Setup if the container ID has not been added to the Nimda settings page.
  • Significance: This field allows the addition of tracking pixels to the tour site and Hyly forms.


9. PMS integrations:

  • This field indicates if the property has been integrated with PMS/CRM.
  • Significance: This field ensures that Hyly can exchange online and offline data with PMS and create the entire customer journey.


10. Hayley Chatbot Installed:

  • This field indicates whether the Hayley chatbot has been installed on the property website.
  • Significance: Hyly can record user data through chats and forms with proper attributions. This allows us to keep track of the activity of potential users who have interacted with the chatbot but have not yet converted to leads, which can help convert users into leads.


11. Contact Form:

This field indicates if the hyly contact form has been installed on the property website.


The contact form allows new users to submit guest cards, assisting in lead generation and attribution.


12. Scheduler:

This field indicates if the hyly scheduler has been installed on the property website.


It allows new users to submit guest cards, assisting in lead generation. It also allows any user to schedule appointments. It ensures the correct attribution of referrers and sources for these events.


13. BQ Link Setup:

  • This field indicates if BQ export from GA4 to the hyly BQ database has been enabled.
  • It shows No Set Up in the following cases:
    1. BQ export from the GA4 account to the hyly database has not been started.

    2. The BQ export table has not been mapped to the specific org and property in BQ.

  • Significance:
    • This allows Hyly to get the native GA4 events, as well as form listener events that were sent to GA4.
    • It allows tracking of a user's activity even before they become a lead and retroactively gets the correct attribution for the lead, even before they converted to a lead, based on their first visit to the property website.
    • It can also help create reports that improve conversion from potential users to leads.
    • It also enriches the hyly data, allowing more accurate attribution of sources to events and conversions.


14. Tracking Pixels:

  • This field indicates if Tracking Pixels has been added to the hyTours page for the property.
  • Significance: Tracking pixels in hytours track the activity of every event happening within the tour site, and hytours form. It also helps in tracking all the events related to hyly tour scheduler form.


15. DNI Switched On:

  • This field indicates if DNI is on in hyBeacon in the Myhyly app for the property or in the PAI app. (PAI app—Settings—Attribution Settings—Tracking Phone Number.)
  • Significance: DNI allows tracking of sources, based on tracking phone numbers mapped to the source in PAI app. So, if an event comes with the phone number that is mapped to source A, the event will be attributed to source A. The events can be a call, or text interaction between prospect and agent.


16. ILS Integration:

  • This field indicates if the property has been integrated with Open Tours ILS.
  • Significance: This field indicates if Hyly has been integrated with an external ILS, on which the concerned property is also onboarded, via the open tours API. It allows Hyly to directly get data from the ILS and synchronize the Hyly, ILS, and PMS databases.


17. Cross Domain Tracking Enabled:

  • This field indicates if the system can track the same user across the property website and application portal domains if both have different domains.
  • It shows “No Setup” in the following scenarios:
    1. GTM container not installed on either property website and application domain, or both.
    2. Nimda has the wrong property URLs or application domains.
    3. Cross-domain mapping is not done in GA4.
    4. BQ export is not set up.
  • Significance: If Cross Domain Tracking is enabled, the system can track the same user across the property website and application portal domain if both have different domains.


18. Property URL Mapped in Nimda:

  • This field indicates if the Property URL and corresponding Application Domain URL have been added to the Nimda settings page.
  • Significance: This is an internal requirement and helps in generating the Cross Domain Tracking Enabled parameter correctly.


19. Replace All (DNI):

  • Replace All (DNI) enables Hyly to switch DNI on the property website based on the source of the lead's visit. It indicates if all sources have the Replace All option selected for the property.
  • It will show No Setup if at least one source does not have the Replace All option selected.
  • Significance: This allows hyly to change the phone numbers on the property website based on the source from which they come, directing the lead to the appropriate agent or call center. This allows for proper attribution of sources for reporting in case someone submits a guest card or schedules a tour via phone.


How do I use the Standard Setup page under Diagnostics?