What do I need to integrate Knock with Hyly.AI apps?


At Hyly.AI, we provide a seamless integration with Knock that allows you to easily access tour availability, send scheduled appointments, sync contact submissions, and enable tour autoresponders via email/SMS. If you're utilizing Hyly.AI apps, integrating with Knock is essential to ensure a smooth flow of prospect and resident data between the two systems.

Your dedicated Hyly.AI team will take care of setting up the integration for you. This is how it's done:

1. Set Up Integration

Our team will reach to you to provide the following information from you to set up the integration:

  • Property Knock Names Or IDs 

Our team will handle all other aspects of the integration on their own.


2. Enable Self-Scheduling in Knock

Next, you would need to activate self-scheduling for Hyly.AI in Knock to allow a prospect to confirm an appointment for a tour slot on Knock. This will also allow Hyly.AI to get the appointment availability from Knock that is set directly by agents in Knock.
Our team will reach out to the Marketing Manager (or RPM or PM) of the Org, and request them to - Check (tick) the "Self-Schedule" option under Scheduling in Knock and the preferred settings to set it up. 

3. Customize Tour Scheduler Settings

You can customize the Tour Scheduler anytime you want using Journey AI Tours.  You can find the settings here:

Go to Journey AI SuiteSelect Sub-Org> Click Tours> Click Admin Settings: Tour Scheduler

Using these settings, you can set the tour types and customize the scheduler design. To learn more about the process and settings you can customize, click here


Once the integration is done, Hyly.AI can start sending renter information like email, phone, first name, last name, move-in date, SMS consent, source title, and tour type to Knock.

You can read more about the Hyly and Knock integration here.



How do I navigate to the Journey AI Tours app?